Dance musings

While I have had few opportunities to design for dance, the percentage of new productions within the is low. Many story ballets have full scenic elements, it is often as part of t heir preexisting repertory or rented. 

One day, I hope to design full story ballet(Giselle, Copellia, Swan Lake, Firebird)  but until then enjoy some unrealized Photoshop musings.

The first few of these are exploring follow up on the earlier Lamp series. Arabesque under light!


Dancer: Ainsley Sorenson

Photo by Rachel Neville - stunning work at her website

A Grand Jete under a Fascinating Chandelier! 


Dancer Maria Barroso in Coppelia 

Costume Designer Osbert Lancaster 

Photo by Fanny Schertzer

The next image is a hypothetical Window display- which might be a bit “The Twilight Zone” but still festive.


Dancer Tempe Ostergren -The Nutcracker

Costume designer Holly Hynes -

Photo by Rosalie O’conner

Side article mention to Rosalie O’conner

The last few of these explorations are follow up on the earlier Lamp series.

While I did find the dancer image on a public domain, free use site called , I tried to figure out the dancer/designer/photographer info to no avail. It’s clearly a Swan Lake but???

That is all for now

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